Lead Smart | Search Local Businesses | Pay Per Call Marketing
Our broad network of contractors providing a wide range of services help you monetize more of your referrals.
Homeowners are not required to complete any purchases, only request an estimate on services. A dedicated affliate manager will work with you to help optimize your revenue.
Text links, banners (custom banners upon request). HTML/Javascript code, which will show “get estimate” forms on your site. Plus, Exclusive Private Offers.
The Lead Smart Affiliate Pay Per Call Network was built by Affiliates, for Affiliates.
Lead Smart is always looking for more publishers to join our network. We have 100’s of very popular services for our publishers to market for. We offer flexible payment terms and outstanding affiliate support. We have a robust tracking system that will track every call you send into our network.
This is perfect for people who know SEO, Social Media Marketing, Adwords, Bing Ads and GMB (Google Listings).
To start the process of becoming an Affiliate Marketer for Lead Smart please fill out the form below. We will have someone from our staff reach out to you to answer any questions you may have and to handle the onboarding process.